Why language matters with Nick Parker

Nick Parker

It was both a delight and a hoot to chat to Nick Parker of That Explains Things about language and tone of voice. We explored why organisations can struggle to be clear and what they can do about it, why we should all pay attention to tone of voice, how to avoid language as obfuscation and much more. Nick also shares the pitfalls of interviewing with your dog. Make of that what you will.

Nick is a joy to talk to, so much so that this is his second outing in a Chirp podcast. You can also catch him in our Innovation series from a few years ago.

Nick Parker runs an agency called That Explains Things. They help brands of all sizes find their voice, tell their stories — and explain their things.

He’s also the creator of Voicebox - a method to help brands and businesses sort out their 'tone of voice'. (Yes, it comes in a box.)

He runs workshops all over the world, and once wrote a book in praise of toast

Tweet him @nickparker.